

Discover the TRANSFORMATIONS, listen to stories from INDIVIDUALS just like you, who’ve achieved SUCCESS with P-PERRE FITNESS Coaching.

Client Review

Janet's 4 Month Transformation

"Fitness has never been something I engaged with. I was never naturally gifted at sports and whilst I enjoyed it during my school years, I found that exercise slowly drifted away from my top priorities. I was part of the wave of people who would make new year's resolutions, rarely sticking to them for more than a month, often becoming disheartened because I didn't see results quickly enough. This year I decided to change. I set myself the challenge of running a marathon before the end of the year but in all honesty, I didn't know how to train and whether I'd be successful. Before training with Philip, I would spend hours doing cardio in the gym unsure of whether my body was improving. Philip's expertise has been invaluable. He has been able to help realise dreams by turning them into smaller manageable goals. Since following his tailored plan, I can feel my body getting stronger and I no longer waste valuable time and I feel more educated and confident at the gym. The team mentality he's created and his encouragement has completely changed my outlook. For the first time ever, I feel that I can achieve everything I set my mind to. I look forward to seeing my body improve and changing my lifestyle for the better."
Janet Page
Technical Support manager
Client Review

Nancy's 8 Month Mind & Body Transformation

"So i decided to change my lifestyle when I quit the city. I had this idea that, after years of trying- I was done with magazine-led weight loss and fitness tips. I chose science, I chose Phil. I needed someone who was conditioned to be fit and healthy, with a science that accompanied the theory, and I found that in Phil. I encountered many different Personal Trainers who were great, but just didn’t tick the kick-box that my personality needed. I needed someone who was a team player, who could read my personality and adapt his teachings and methodology to my persona and Phil ticked all of those boxes. From day one, he had me figured out. He figured out that I work harder when I’m challenged, pushed further when cheered and tried harder when encouraged. His approach was assertive but nurturing. He has this way of making you feel that you CAN do it, better still- WE can do it as a team and it’s with that, I no longer felt the disconnect that I had often felt between trainer and client, for now- I was part of a team- part of HIS team and that’s the ingredient that makes a successful trainer-client partnership. I find Phil’s approach extremely effective, as while he plans out nutrition and fitness for you, he does it so that it’s maintainable and educates you as to why it’s needed for fitness. The science behind it all outweighs any fad I’ve read about! So whilst I’m still on my journey, I’m seeing results I’ve never seen before- fuelled by Phil’s constant words of encouragement and praise to ensure I’m focused, motivated and determined!"
Nancy El-Aroussy
Senior Business Intelligence Advisor/Business Partner
Client Review
Steve's 12 - Month Fitness Transformation
“Philip has been training me now for 12 months, and the results have been far beyond what I had hoped for. As the owner of a start-up company, my time is at a premium so I was searching for a way to retain my fitness amidst my tightly packed schedule. Philip is very goal orientated in his approach, so each session is intense, structured and focussed, which is exactly what I need. The results were evident after a short period of time, and my fitness, body shape and energy levels are better than ever… and more importantly, although the workouts are tough, Philip is a great people person so I enjoy every session and look forward to it as the kick start to a productive day! I couldn’t recommend Philip’s training and fitness mentoring highly enough. He has completely transformed my training regime, the results have been exceptional, and above all the process has been great fun."
Steve Reynolds
Sales Director,Digital Message Limited
Client Review

Katarina's 4 - Month Body Rehab Transformation

"I''m a current professional basketball player and have played all around the world. Couple years ago i tore my ACL and I had to get back on the court stronger and better. That's when I contacted Philip and with him being an experienced professional basketball player really helped me a lot in fitness. He got me back in perfect shape, my knee got much stronger and my whole body got stronger. The next season I had the best season ever and a season after we won a Eurocup Championship. Besides getting me in a perfect shape he also created a tailored nutritional plan which had me gain lean muscle mass and lose body fat which is very important for every professional athlete. I couldn't thank Philip enough for all the help and for getting me right in fitness. I would recommend him to everyone trying to start living healthier lifestyle and getting into great shape of natural fitness.. He makes workouts fun and tough at the same time. Thank you Philip for everything."
Katarina Ristic
Professional Basketball Player and Eurocup Championship Winner
Client Review

Sandro's 12 - Month Online Mind & Body Transformation

"What more can i say, working with Phillip as I have done for the last 12 months has meant that my life has taken a completely different path. All the work that we have put in over the last 12 months online means that I now feel a lot healthier a lot more confident and considerably happy, I have no doubt that this has been as a result of the online fitness programme which I have been following and the mentoring which Phillip has given me during the past 12 months. His knowledge of all fitness related and his vast experience in this particular field made me trust in him and I have not been disappointed, by applying the advice and methods shown this has enabled me to concentrate fully on my family life and work life, to the point where I now enjoy exercise as I know the benefits that this gives me and my family. For that many thanks Phillip."
Sandro Mosquera
Sales and Marketing Director
Client Review

oke's 6 - Month Body Rehab & Transformation

"For many year i struggled with my weight for a lot of years despite being a regular basketball ball player, and this in turn led to a loss of confidence that was detrimental to my career and my overall well-being. After turning to Philip Perre and getting much needed help and advice on training techniques (resistance bands, core workout exercises to name but a few) as well as dietary guidance I was able to shed the pounds and thus regain that confidence that had gone missing for a long time. This has been very helpful in getting my career back on track as I engage in a lot of client facing activities, it has also helped with my health immensely as I no longer wake up with back pains every morning and all nerve issues that used to occur in my arms are now gone. If you follow Philip Perre’s techniques and advice properly, it won’t fail you!! Kind Regards"
Oke Nduka
Territory Account Manager – UK, Ireland and Africa
Client Review

Manita's 6 - Month Mind & Body Transformation

"I decided I wanted to be a fitter and healthier me. With my work as a flight attendant which is that easier said than done, my life is not steady at all without any routine whatsoever. I travel a lot through all the different time zones, so my body clock is really confused all the time. I needed someone who was really going to support me to achieve my goals and understand my lifestyle. So I started working with Phil. I have never felt stronger or healthier. Phil is passionate about fitness and it shows through the energy and enthusiasm he brings to every session. His easy going, friendly personality creates a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. He makes each workout challenging, creative and most importantly, fun! Phil embodies change. Through consistent and positive feedback and encouragement, he retrained my attitude while I retrained my body. The results I have achieved via his online program are largely due to Phil’s perfect combination of nutrition restructure, diverse training methods, individualized exercise programs & challenging yet achievable goal setting. His professionalism, extensive knowledge and enthusiastic commitment to his work and ultimately his clients, provides the perfect scenario for success and sets foundations for a new healthier lifestyle! He is the real deal in an industry full of wannabees and is the standard by which any trainer should be measured.
Manita Biji
Emirates First Class Cabin Crew
Client Review

Sheela's 6 - Month Weight Loss Transformation

"Truthfully, words can not even describe my experience. I had lost confidence in personal trainers as all I would find myself doing is having a chat and training at the same time. It just wasn't motivating enough. I was in two minds before booking Philip but something was telling me to give it a go. It was the best choice I have ever made and I will continue to use him without a doubt. Philip is very professional, great motivator, keeps you on your toes, he has a no nonsense policy and it almost feels that he knows your body more than even you do. This shows he cares and truly wants to see the results. I have introduced him to my friends and family and they are so impressed with his technique and style of training. I guess the way we would all describe him is just "WOW" without even exaggerating. He has definitely helped me work towards my goals. I am not quite there yet due to lockdown but despite that he has kept me focused and engaged with training. Something about him just makes you want to train...he makes it worthwhile. A lot to be said about him and it may seem unreal but my advice would be you will love the way he trains you and if you want results don't procrastinate like i once did....give him a go. You will not be disappointed. Thanks Phil for being there and training me with a true passion to help me. Your the best."
Sheela Chand
Private Solicitor
Client Review

Anneka's 6 - Month Online Weight Loss Transformation

"Philip helped me reach my goal of losing 12kg within 3 months in time for my wedding. He is an excellent trainer who will push you and motivate you and if you follow his advice you will see amazing body results. After my wedding I relocated and stopped the training sessions but thanks to his online zoom sessions, I am now able to restart and after only a few weeks I am able to see and feel the benefits. I'd definitely recommend him for anyone who wants to tone up, lose weight or boost your fitness levels. Best weight loss personal trainer ""
Anneka Lewis
NHS Nurse
Client Review

Sheetal's 7 - Month Weight Loss Transformation

"I have been training with Phillip for 7 months managed to lose 10kg and my body is toning up. He is dedicated to help you towards your goal. Breathes in positivity and pushes your mental state to get you the best out of your workouts. I never thought I would ever enjoy the gym as much as I do now and I am loving the process thanks to Phillip...High recommend a brilliant PT !"
Sheetal Sharma
Amazon Streaming Director

Thank you for reading my Testimonials. Now it’s time to transform your life! Take advantage of my various fitness services.


Sucess Story: Sam's 10kg Body Transformation